Save Time by Prefilling Canopy Connect Data to Your Rater

Jeremy Powers shares his early experience using Canopy Connect data prefilled into his comparative rater. 


By capturing verified insurance data from Canopy Connect and prefilling it to your favorite rater, you can eliminate the need for manual data entry and immediately generate winning quotes.

Jeremy Powers will discuss his experience with prefilled Canopy Connect data in his comparative rater.

We cover:

  • How to set up the integration in 10 seconds
  • How to use the integration (end-to-end live demo)
  • Pro-tips on getting the most out of both Canopy Connect and a comparative rater

You won't want to miss this engaging session.

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Guests and Hosts

Jeremy Powers
Jeremy Powers opened Powers Insurance Experts in 2020 with 10 years of experience in the insurance industry. A focus on education, personalization and excitement has resulted in him winning several local awards four years in a row, while generating a steady stream of leads. He hopes to inspire other agents to be the change we all want to see in our communities. His goal is to create a legacy of purpose over profits.

Robert Boerrigter
Robert Boerrigter is the Head of Agency Sales at Canopy Connect and he’s been working in sales for the past eight years. Over the last two years, he’s helped more than 1,000 agencies improve their business processes and close more revenue.


Want to Get Started with Canopy Connect?

Monthly and annual plans are available.