Collect and Verify Insurance Data, Instantly

What if loading consumer insurance data into your UI was as simple as importing bank account details into tools like Venmo, CashApp, and PayPal? With Canopy Connect’s API, it can be.

Before and After Canopy Connect
You'll Love It

Why You’ll Love It

Say goodbye to forms with 25+ fields, each verifying nuances of policies that most consumers don’t have handy. Say hello to single-click data importing.

Canopy Connect returns all personal lines of insurance, including declaration pages, as structured data.

Flexible and easy-to-use API and an admin dashboard.

Conflict-free: we aren’t an agency and we don’t re-sell consumer data.

The Right Data,
Right Now

Canopy Connect's consumer consent-driven data sharing technology, and secure cloud infrastructure enable the seamless transfer of insurance data in seconds. You'll receive:

  • Insurance documents: Premiums, limits, deductibles, dwellings, and vehicles.
  • Policy details: Declaration pages, ID cards, endorsements, binders, VOI.
  • Contact information: Email, phone, and address.
  • Driver data: Names, license numbers, and DOBs.
  • Claims history: Up to seven years of history with the current carrier.
Get Insurance Data
Trusted and Secure

Trusted and Secure

Canopy Connect is building the infrastructure that powers best-in-class insurance experiences. Deliver delightful, intelligent and frictionless insurance services, trusted by leading insurance innovators.



With Canopy Connect we are certainly seeing an overall higher conversion rate.

CTO at an embedded insurtech

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